Sunday, May 2, 2010

May Day

May Day has been one of my favorite little holidays (if you can call it that) for as long as I can remember. It seems to be a forgotten holiday by most, but it is one of my favorite, and quickly becoming a favorite of Maddie's.

A little background.....
The tradition of the ancient Roman and Druid holiday of May Day has endured for centuries. It has been a celebration of spring turning into the pleasures of summer. Traditionally, a "Maypole" was the focus of the festivals. Even today the Maypole is used in the replications of old-time festivals. The Maypole is a tall pole in which ribbons are woven around by groups of dancers to make unique designs and patterns. Gathering flowers and branches became a tradition and "bringing in the May" became a popular activity on May 1. The giving of baskets became part of the festivities later in the evolution of May Day. Today baskets are often made by little children, filled with candy or flowers and then placed on people's doorsteps or tied to the door handle, as they ring the doorbell and dash away before they are caught.

My mama started the tradition with me, and every year we would gather our supplies to make our baskets. My mom, the teacher always had cute and creative ways to make the baskets! We would fill them with special treats and deliver them. As I got older, I stocked them for my friends with nail polish and things older girls would like, and then as I became too old, I make them for the kids I babysat for!

Now, I am making them with Maddie! We made a special trip to Michael's where Maddie carefully selected all of her papers and stickers to make her baskets. We picked out some prizes and candies too! She asked me a couple of times if the stuff was for her, in which I would quickly remind her of the spirit of giving, and that the fun was in giving not keeping for herself. Sometimes that is a hard thing for a 3 year old to understand. Much to my suprise there was no fit thrown, and she quickly began personally selecting the perfect prizes for her special recipients!

We spent one evening making the may baskets. My mistake was doing that 3 days before we were supposed to deliver them as then she wanted to "ring & run" right then. Finally, May day arrived. Someone (Mimi) had beat us to the punch, as Maddie had a May Day basket waiting for her on our doorstep the moment she woke up.

So, she excitedly got dressed, informed me she was putting on her tennis shoes so she could run away real fast, and off we went! We had so much fun sneaking up on our friends and neighbors and watching from afar their delight in receiving a May Basket. The May Day spirit must of spread, as by the middle of the afternoon, Maddie has recieved some May baskets in return!

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